almost 5 years ago

So I was debating wether I should post this or not but figured I’d share with y’all anyways. I bought a 600LT last Saturday for a really great friend of mine. She was there for me through all of my business highs and lows and her birthday was last Saturday so I worked with @MclarenHouston to acquire this bad boy... anyways here’s some pics from last Saturday! I told her to make a Karpage account and post picks of it there, I’ll tag her in a post when she makes one!


What a great thing to do for a friend. That's super cool. Great car too

Sun May 05 2019 at 9:10pm


@bigcheese Thanks you! I tried to get her to trade for my 720 but she wanted the 600! Can’t say I blame her!😂

Sun May 05 2019 at 9:11pm


@RoyleWilson don't know if I'd blame her either. The 600LT is a gorgeous car

Sun May 05 2019 at 9:16pm


But your 720s is one of the best looking I've seen

Sun May 05 2019 at 9:22pm


Dude that’s awesome. So cool to see that people will use their money for someone else, even if it’s to buy them a super car 😂

Sun May 05 2019 at 9:12pm


Friend huh .. 😋🤐🤞🏼.. 🤣😂 j/k .. well damn bro u a helluva nice guy 👍🏼😊

Sun May 05 2019 at 9:10pm


@theog_erectusmaximus hahaha yeaaaah she’s been through a lot she totally deserves it. She was there for me when I just started with only a few hundred bucks! Gotta take care of the people that stick with you🙏🤞🏻✊

Sun May 05 2019 at 9:18pm


That’s amazing man. Good for you and good for her 🙏 what an amazing gift 🎁 👏👏👏👏 the car is gorgeous

Mon May 06 2019 at 1:39am