over 1 year ago

😑 😀 😠 😑 my hood has been pushed back 3 days in a row and is sitting in a truck 6 hours away, been there since the 22nd 😑 😑


Not fun… Because of the weather conditions in the Midwest πŸ₯Ά

Thu Dec 29 2022 at 9:51pm


@nik same system crippled the north east too, hood coming from Canada but the holiday and weather set everything back

Thu Dec 29 2022 at 10:57pm


I can feel the delayed shipping anxiety πŸ™Œ can’t wait for it to reach you soon

Thu Dec 29 2022 at 1:17pm


@Nish7 bad thing is they updated the delivery for the day after I go back to work

Thu Dec 29 2022 at 10:56pm