almost 2 years ago

A 1912 Renault Type CB Coupé de Ville Worth $130,000 Was the Only Car to Sink With the Titanic by Bonnie Pacheco | More Articles: News Published onJanuary 23, 2022 The sinking of the Titanic 🛳 in 1912 is one of the world’s most well-known events, and it also involves a bit of automotive history. Aboard the doomed Titanic, only one car was being transported, a 1912 Renault Type CB Coupe de Ville. This luxury car was at the top of its class in its day, and it belonged to one William Carter of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. As everyone knows, the ship never made it to its destination in New York. Neither did Mr. Carter’s prized Coupe, which had just been purchased in France and was being shipped home to the United States. An iceberg had other plans, and as the boat went down, the Renault on the Titanic was first raised high into the air with the ship’s bow before it sunk beneath the waves