almost 2 years ago

Glad to be back! Missed all of ya! How much had this app come? Very far! @nik hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe. Decided to drop in and see how my fam is doing! I recently got into an accident with my Z125 and it’s been in the repair shop for over 2 weeks. Thanks in advance for your get well wishes my arm is feeling better and luckily it’s not broken. Hope everybody’s having a safe day!


Happy to see you back on KarPage man 👊🥳 sorry to hear about the accident.

Wed May 11 2022 at 3:54pm


@nik it’s all good! Shit happens when you’re a stunt rider but wrecking is learning from your mistakes…well, hopefully 🙏🏼

Wed May 11 2022 at 3:57pm