over 2 years ago

Terrible Fire here in Phoenix not far from my home on Saturday. A Tesla repair facility burned to the ground and rumors of up to 30 Tesla Roadsters could have been lost 🤯🤯🤯 . Link to details in article below. You Tube link is fire coverage live at scene.


Wow 😯 I hope no casualties.
Crazy to think how fire can emerge in such hitech facilities even after taking maximum precautions 😱

Mon Oct 18 2021 at 2:58am


Probably the charging station

Tue Oct 19 2021 at 1:49pm


@Eric.srt10 Yeah i was thinking the same or battery that shorted out . These hi output lithium batteries are extremely volatile . We all know as our phones get past a year or more old the batteries tend to heat up randomly during reboot , charging or high drain use apps .

Tue Oct 19 2021 at 4:21pm